Best Plumbing Company in Queens

Good plumbing is essential for any functioning building. It’s vital for sinks and toilets, showers and dishwashers. And with that in mind, it’s important that it’s all of that is taken care of properly by a reliable plumbing company. So when your sink is leaking or you need something new installed in your kitchen, seek…

Best Bakery in Queens

As much as you want to avoid them (especially after that New Year’s resolution to lose those extra pounds), bakeries in Queens are essential for supplying us with muffins, breads, cakes, cupcakes and more for special occasions — or if you just have a sweet tooth. They’re also incredibly enjoyable to visit. The smell of…

Best Nail Salon in Queens

What are nails without polish on them? Dull and boring, that’s what. Plus it’s fun and relaxing to get manicures and pedicures — they make for great catch-up sessions with friends, too. So whether you go to the nail salon three times a month or three times a year, make sure your fingers and toes…

Best Mortgage Company in Queens

Buying a house and being a homeowner brings about one of the most accomplished feelings anyone can imagine. But the downside is that hefty mortgage that’s involved afterwards. Since houses and apartments are so expensive, especially here in Queens, residents are often dealing with their mortgages for many, many years. And that’s why they need…

Best Italian Restaurant in Queens

Ahh, Italiana! Food dominated by sauces, cheeses, herbs and carbs…it’s no wonder the cuisine is so popular. Whether it’s a big plate of chicken, veal or eggplant parmesan, or a hefty bowl of penne, rigatoni or spaghetti, Italian cuisine will never cease to make you feel full and satisfied. There are plenty of Italian restaurants…

Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Queens

Humans strive to be perfect in all aspects of their lives, but sometimes unfortunate genes can prevent that. But don’t fret! That’s why cosmetic surgery is around to correct it all. Whether it’s breast enhancement or reduction, fixing up that crooked nose, ridding your thighs of some extra baggage or any other problem you feel…

Best Artist/Painter in Queens

2024: Queens Voted Wing Kong Best Artist/Painter! Wing Kong Whitestone (917) 583-2127 – Fans of local artists should look into the work of environmental artist and nature photographer Wing Kong. She gives new life to discarded items and unconventional materials by using them to create murals. Her works and photographs are meant to tell…

Best Cemetery in Queens

Cemeteries become the new homes of our loved ones after they finish their long, happy lives. And while it’s never a comforting event to lose a loved one, it is however comforting to know that they’ll always still be just a drive away. The best cemetery in Queens will take care of your loved one’s…

Best Accounting Firm in Queens

2024: Queens Voted ATP Tax Accountants Best Accounting Firm! ATP Tax Accountants 24-04 41st Street, Astoria (347) 848-0112 – ATP Tax Accountants, based in Astoria, is dedicated in all areas of accounting, bookkeeping, tax preparation and advisory, payroll and business services. They specialize in income tax preparation services, small business accounting and payroll services.…